Share Changemakers’ Solutions

Watch 3 Minute Video Below to Meet a Few of Our Changemakers

UNDAUNTED docuseries was recognized as a Hot Film in the Making by From the Heart Productions in California. The docuseries features Changemakers, who are engaged in wealth building solutions on their reservations and in communities creating a prosperity for the many, not just the few. The videos feature changemakers’ stories about their persistence and the powerful solutions. We are in the process of editing invidiual changemakers’ videos to include their suggestions for replicating their projects on your reservations and in your communities.

Community Wealth Building Across the Country

Prepare to abandon your pessimism! In this video, you will meet the amazing Changemakers across the U.S., who are creating solutions for an equitable and sustainable economy founded on the wellbeing of people, culture, community, nature and the Earth. They are leading the way with establishing banks that belong to the people in the city, state or region they serve, a flourishing cooperative economy, viable local food production systems, classrooms that integrate the cultural heritage of their students into the core curricula and creative works of art that foster community connection and care for the Earth.

Join us in sharing the changemakers’ awesome solutions for an economy that works for everyone. On our roadtrips to film changemakers, we covered over 40,000 miles traveling to places like Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in SD, Jackson MS, Cleveland OH, Los Angeles, Evanston, IL, Denver, CO, Fairfax, VA, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, MO, Durham, NC, Olympia, WA, Kodiak, AK, Portand, OR, Missoula, MT, Bronx, NY,, and Washington DC. Invite family, friends, colleagues, fellow students and others you know to share the inspiring and informative videos on their social media platforms, in classrooms, workplaces, community organizations and with changemaker networks.

Thank You For Making These Inspiring Stories Possible