
1. Invite friends, colleagues or community members to view one of the Changemakers” video interviews with you and share in a conversation. The videos will be updated with video stories of the Native and Black Changemakers and their allies that we are featuring in our docuseries that is in production.

2. Show up for artists doing social, economic and environmental justice work., i.e., poets, artists, musicians, and actors. Organize a performance, concert or art exhibit for artists that are changemakers. Support local museums, theater companies and other community art organizations that stage performances and exhibits utilizing the arts to mainstream issues and solutions related to societal concerns and problems.

3. Find out if your community has a Time Bank and/or how to start one to exchange your experience, skills and talents with your others in your community. 

4. Visit Sicangu Co and Thunder Valley CDC websites to learn more about their tribal wealth building projects.

5. Contact Curtis Acosta to learn more about closing the achievement gap by putting ethnic studies into the core curricula.

6. Find out more about the Sisters of Providence’s White Violet Center for Eco-Justice’s college student internship program, contact Robyn at (812) 535-2932 or

7. Take action with Green America today, and tell chocolate companies that you believe that children deserve to have happy and healthy childhoods away from cocoa fields.

8. Find out more about public banking legislative initiatives.

9. Explore a vast resource of readings, videos and guides to the New Economy. Host a reading group on a topic that appeals to you. 

10. The Next System Project is an initiative of The Democracy Collaborative aimed at bold thinking and action to address the systemic challenges the United States faces now and in coming decades.

11. Subscribe to Yes! Magazine for stories of powerful ideas and practical actions happening around the country.

12. If human rights is your interest: Reverend Mel Hoover speaks and trains on anti-oppression and anti-racism issues: (304) 345-5042; Equality Florida is largest civil rights organization in Florida for full equality for the LGBTQ Community; National Indian Child Welfare Association is dedicated to American Indian and Alaska Native children and
family wellbeing.

13. Find out more about NDN Collective and their activism work including Land Back Campaign.

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