There are thousands of stories of people of good heart doing creative and successful things in their hometowns to improve the well being of people and the planet. In 2014 I will travel around the country to capture them on video and share their uplifting stories via this website to spark our dinner party conversations and community actions.
Over the next couple of months I will be studying light meters, video cameras, shooting angles, and more than I think my brain will be able to absorb. I will also be researching folks that I will be interviewing with the help of people like YES! Magazine and other wonderful connections that I have. Then,in the Early Spring I will toss all my gear and some precious never-to-be-left-behind items like eyeliner and wine opener into my Prius and head West. I will pack as many uplifting stories that I can into two months and return to Base Camp in Tampa to check in with family before setting out again. I want to master as much of this new technology stuff that I can so maybe, we can even do Live Google Groups, to share dinner party experiences with one another while I’m on the road. Meanwhile, Bon Appetit!!