Locavore’s Dilemma

Good food grown locally doesn’t have to be so hard to find. Innovator Carolyn Goodwin, Co-Founder of Sound Food in Bainbridge Island, WA.


  • Share your thoughts about Carolyn’s efforts to connect people living in the Bainbridge community with farmers, restaurants and stores focusing on local foods.
  • What is the state of the local food economy in your community?
  • US Department of Agriculture will spend $52 Million to support  local and regional food systems including promotion of farmers markets and more.  Grants are available, check out .http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/fmpp


  • Carolyn started and maintains Sound Food with volunteers. She lucked out with one of the original volunteers being versed in web technology. Does your community need a resource to connect community members with sources for local foods?  How might you begin to start a Sound Food project in your community?


Carolyn Goodwin is Co-Founder of Sound Food in Bainbridge Island, WA.  She is a consumer-focused marketing professional and sustainable food evangelist with strategic and tactical skills.