Community Wealth Building Solutions

Prepare to Abandon Your Pessimism!

Communities are transforming by taking ownership and control of their assets while nurturing a cooperative economy, homeownership, viable local food production, schools’ integration into core curricula the cultural heritage of the students in their classrooms, universities engagement in local and state social and economic development and encouragement of artists in strengthening community connections and taking care of the Earth.

A Path Towards Equal Justice in the Courtroom

Civil Rights Attorney Steve Hanlon has proven with data and analytics that America’s criminal processing system is systemically unconstitutional and unethical. After a decade of devotion and hard work, he announced the new National Public Defense Workload Standards (NPDWS) and his formation of the Quality Defense Alliance (QDA) to enforce the NPDWS across the nation. He as been the Project Leader for ABA public defender workload studies done in seven states and was a consultant on the Texas study. The ABA Journal Magazine has called him “the Oracle” for public defender workload studies.