We recently did a script re-write for our Sizzle Tape to promote our Operation Bon Appétit TV Series to engage folks in eating, drinking and changing the world one dinner party at a time. We want to travel the country and while cooking good food and sipping wine, we will interview people who are creatively making a positive difference in their communities.
When I write “we”, I am referring to my co-host Shannon McIntosh and myself. We are a couple of opposites who have come together to make this “cooking with a purpose” TV series happen. We do have a sense of humor so we can play with our differences, which are obvious on the physical level. One of us is a tall, lovely, young red-head and the other is a short, sturdy silver haired elder. I joke about the cost of make-up for us—we have a budget of $275. for the Sizzle Tape with $1.25 allotted to Shannon and the rest to me.
However, we balance one another very well in other ways as well. Shannon has young daughters and is devoted to cooking non-toxic healthy meals for them and her loving husband. I, on the other hand, do make an effort but do indulge now and then in dips and chips and French fries. The difference in our eating habits does show up in our bodies so I’ll be easy for you to recognize. However, we do both enjoy a nice glass of wine–an important ingredient in our shows.
Another difference is our cooking techniques. I mentioned “knife skills” to Shannon the other day as I had been amazed to learn that there are classes for such learning. She did not even bat an eye as she responded that she studiously watches cooking shows and takes in the details of their knife skills—which she wields with aplomb. However, it’s probably safe to assume that spattering things on the stove and nearby wall while cooking is an undeveloped “skill” on her part—not so much on mine.
It might not be knife skills, but there is a place where I have the edge. After 35 years of community building, I have pretty good knowledge of what is going on at the community level around the country to create a healthy quality of life for people and the planet. At our recent fundraiser for the production of our Sizzle Tape, Shannon and I both gave short speeches. I had written down a couple of “talking points” for her regarding a wonderful initiative that we will highlight on our Sizzle Tape of a new national scouting program—the Earth Scouts—to promote Fair Trade chocolate and buycott Hershey’s chocolate as they buy from cocoa farms that use child labor. It was part of the Earth Scouts’ Economic Justice badge.
Before we began to speak, Shannon said that she had a problem with some of the words in her script, specifically “economic justice”. She had not heard them before and was trying to wrap her head around their meaning. Her “confession” was both sweet and endearing in its innocence and made me aware that some of the jargon that comes so naturally to me will also have me disconnecting from some members of our audience. So, I’m delighted that Shannon will be their “voice” and help to keep me as jargon free as possible so that everyone can get excited about wanting to change the world one dinner party at a time.
So over a lunch of Seared Sesame Salmon and Raspberry Salad with whole grain bread and fresh raspberry butter and, of course, a glass of Chardonnay, Shannon, Andrea Aprea (our Sizzle Tape producer), Susan Edwards (our script writer) and I re-did ideas for our Sizzle Tape script. Now, we will engage our audience in the fun of our differences as well as excite them with delicious food, wine and creative community initiatives
Next step–shooting the Sizzle Tape!
Lunch Recipes
Seared Sesame Salmon and Raspberry Salad
4 Wild Salmon fillets
2 Tbsp of Sesame Oil
4 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Fish Sauce
Enough Brown Sugar to coat Salmon
Pint of raspberries
Bibb lettuce
Girard’s Raspberry Salad Dressing (found in most supermarkets)
Spread brown sugar on plate and dip salmon fillets until coated. Heat sesame oil in saucepan over medium high and sear fillets on both sides—beginning with underside. Sprinkle soy sauce and fish sauce over fillets. Turn down heat to medium and cover pan until cooked to desired doneness. I like mine cooked through, so about 6 minutes.
Cover plates with Bibb lettuce, place fillet on lettuce and sprinkle with raspberries. Pour Salad Dressing in small pitcher and pass around table. Serves 4.
Fresh Raspberry Butter
1 cup softened butter
1 cup fresh raspberries (1 6 oz container)
1/4 cup sugar
1 lemon, zested
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
In a small bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix with a hand mixer until smooth. Serve at room temperature. Recipe found at http://www.rookie-cookie.com/2010/07/fresh-raspberry-butter.html