The day began like many others—rushing out the door to get somewhere with hair casual , no make-up and hoping for the best. The day ended differently than most—false eyelashes, coats of makeup, an unforgettable experience of being “on air” just like the real TV folks and the exciting feeling that my dream for Operation Bon Appétit TV Series is coming true. My gosh, never has anyone cared so much about how I looked and sounded. The details to the makeup, lighting, sound, minute inflections and actions, and determined perfectionism by all around me was overwhelming and also deeply satisfying.
Our band of collaborators included a great production team, make-up person, script writer, and co-host to assure a top of the line Sizzle Tape that will be used to promote the Operation Bon Appetit TV show to networks, online producers, and others.
Award Winning Writer Susan Edwards wrote the script that highlighted the differences between co-host Shannon McIntosh and myself—picture the odd couple with me as Phyllis Diller and Shannon as Amy Adams.
Andy Cope from Apex Productions is the shooter for Burt Wolf’s PBS Show and also America’s Most Wanted. He impressed me immediately when I initially spoke with him on the phone because he said, “This is a great idea, Jan, and you should have a non-disclosure agreement made up and send it to me right away to sign.” I trust him completely and from what I hear as I get into this business the TV industry does have its ethical lapses. When he told me to practice in front of a camera with Shannon before the day of the shoot until we were comfortable, I thought—“why is that so important, it’s only a 4 minute Sizzle Tape”. Hah!!! The filming took 6 hours with 15 minute break for lunch and several hundred re-takes—or so it felt. Andy was incredibly focused and even the smallest detail not being right in sound, lighting or inflection was corrected. I am so appreciative of his and his partner, Cesar Rivera’s, devotion to perfection and professionalism.
Make-up person, Anne Boeckh from Boeckh Designs, who has done many, many shoots was just as attentive to how Shannon and I looked on camera. I did not want to remove my false eyelashes when I got home Never have my eyes looked so good, which is a good thing as they drew attention away from my “lived in” face look. Shannon was terrific on camera in looks and performance. She and I clicked on camera and really enjoyed doing it together. It helps that we really like one another. Lorna Taylor’s beautiful and large kitchen was perfect for our location. Former TV News Anchor Andrea Aprea was very helpful with her advice and her on-going support and belief in this show having real promise for success.
So now, Andy does the editing, I get the B roll to bring to life some of the narrative and then we are off and running to promote this blockbuster-to-be. We’ll be linking to the video of our four minute Sizzle Tape when it is ready so stay yearning:)
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